RCS Electrical Services is your Brooksville generator repair, generator service, generator maintenance, and generator installation solution provider. We install, service, and repair all the best brands of automatic standby generators.
We are factory certified to perform Cummins generator repair, Generac generator repair, Kohler generator repair, General Electric generator repair, Centurion generator repair, Guardian generator repair, Briggs and Stratton generator repair, Baldor generator repair, Tradewinds generator repair, and Onan generator repair.
Our company is also an authorized dealer for all the above mentioned brand names and manufactures. We are authorized to do Generac generator installation, Centurion generator installation, Kohler generator installation, General Electric generator installation, Briggs and Stratton generator installation, Guardian generator installation, and Onan generator installation.
Contact us for all your generator installation, repair, service, an maintenance needs.
Click here to schedule a generator service appointment
Click here if you need help with generator sales, or generator installation.
In coastal areas, where generators are exposed to humid salty air, their enclosures tend to wear out fast due to corrosion. Often the generator and engine are in good condition, but rust has destroyed most of the enclosure, chassis, and base.
In these kinds of circumstances we recommend that you replace the enclosure rather than discard the entire generator. It certainly cost a lot less than replacing the entire generator set.
If the corrosion has not done extensive damage to the enclosure and chassis, we may recommend to have them repainted. We have a painting program in which your generator is treated in such a way that it can be restored to a very acceptable condition and afford you many years of service.
Contact us if your generator needs to have the enclosure replaced.
When we first do service on a generator, the cost is $600.00 for air cooled, and $750.00 for liquid cooled up to 60 KW. Call for pricing on larger generators. These prices are for propane and natural gas generators only. Pricing is different for all diesel generators. Call for price on larger units.
You will receive large discounts if you become our customer and sign a five year service agreement.
These are the service fee for regular propane or natural gas generator maintenance:
These are the service fees for diesel generators:
If your generator is not running there is an additional fee of $450.00 for generator troubleshooting and diagnosis.
Diesel generator troubleshooting fees start at $590.00. These fees are for standby generator which are less than 100 KW.
This fee applies to generators under 100 KW. Call for fee rates for larger generators.
Click here to request service for standby generator
Generac generator sales, installation, repair, maintenance and service.
Generac generators are very robust machines. With consistent maintenance and care they will give you a long service life.
A typical older Generac generator repair consists on minor things that are usually related to fuel pressure or sensor signal issues.
Sometimes other parts may go bad. Electronic parts such as control boards are very reliable, but electro-mechanical parts such as relays and solenoids do not fair as well.
RCS Electrical Services is well trained to repair, tune-up, and perform maintenance on your Generac generator.
Kohler generator sales, installation, repair, maintenance and service.
Kohler generators are known for their reliability and strength. A Kohler generator repair doesn't come too often if you are taking care of your generator and performing its yearly maintenance.
One thing we have noticed through the years, is that sometime people turn off their Kohler generator to keep them from exercising. Often people think that by doing this they are saving money.
The reality is that when you turn off a Kohler generator, and prevent it from doing its weekly exercise, all kinds of animals, including insects and rodents, can make a home out of your generator. These animals will chew on its electrical wiring, or make nests inside their control cabinets. The bottom line is that it is a very bad idea to turn off or idle a Kohler generator. The money that may save in fuel is minimal, but the repair expenses are going to mount.
Although your Kohler generator is very robust and reliable, it does need regular service. If your Kohler generator is in need of service, repair or maintenance, click here to make a request for service or repair. You can also click here to learn more about our Kohler generator maintenance and repair program.
Contact us when you are ready to do your Brooksville Generator Repair.
Briggs and Stratton generator sales, installation, repair, maintenance and service.
Briggs and Stratton has been a household name in the generator industry for many years. They have created a hardened version of their most sophisticated engines, and deployed them for generator use.
The Vanguard series of generator engines are designed to offer a high degree of reliability, long service life, and endurance. As a result, these generators don't have a history of needing extensive repairs. With consistent maintenance and scheduled services, these units will give you many years of service.
RCS Electrical Services has maintenance program that conforms to manufacturer's specifications for proper maintenance, repair and service of your Briggs and Stratton generator.
Contact us when you are ready to do your Brooksville generator repair.
General Electric generator sales, installation, repair, maintenance and service.
General Electric has the most sophisticated standby generator in the industry today. They offer ample access to the generator and the control system. This allows the technician to conduct his maintenance and repair activities with ease and efficiency.
General Electric generator repair can be kept to a minimum if generator service is done regularly. RCS Electrical Services recommends that generator service is done at least once a year.
Sometimes generator service is not done regularly and a component of a generator may malfunction. The malfunctioning part, can then damage or destroy another part, which can become expensive.
For example, when the battery is not serviced every year, it may dry out and fail. Often the battery charger notices that the battery is not retaining its charge, and puts more power into the battery, which can explode. When a battery explodes, it sprays battery acid inside the generator cabinet. This acid can eat away at sensitive winding inside the generator, which will now cost thousands of dollars to repair. This is just one example at what can occur when generator service is neglected.
Contact us when you are ready to do your Brooksville generator repair.
Your Brooksville generator repair company also offers a full array of generator maintenance and generator service programs. At the very least your generator service must be done once a year. If you would like a more superior service, we suggest that your generator maintenance is performed twice per year. This gives us the opportunity to observe and correct problems before they become catastrophic.
A clear example is when snakes or rodents get inside the generator. If a snake is inside the rotor when the engine start, it will be killed, but it also can damage the generator brush assembly or other vital components of the unit. Mice also can find their way to generators. They can make nests inside the stator or rotor and completely destroy this assembly.
Twice a year maintenance may catch this situations before they become a total disaster, since changing a generator rotor and stator assembly may cost thousands of dollars.
We have programs that include up to two free emergency calls a year. Often time during emergencies you may need to have access to us, but we may be busy helping other customers. If you purchase a premium service agreement you will have priority over those other calls.
Contact us and inquire about this program.
Spring Lake, Hill N Dale |
Lake Lindsey |
License Number ES12000317