Landscape Lighting Installation


Your beautiful landscaped yard deserves a lighting treatment. With landscape lighting installation, your outdoors can be as  beautiful at night as it is during the day. Call us for ideas for how to make your outdoors fabulous and safe at night, with landscape lighting (800)779-3848

Landscape Lighting Installation

You may not have given much thought to landscape lighting before. But this added feature can bring many great benefits to you and your family. You will feel safer, with a sense of well being every time you approach your home at night after a long day at work, or just coming home from a night out.

Landscape lighting enhances the look and feel of your home at night. It gives your home a unique curb appeal at night, and shows from the street as more inviting, welcoming and friendly.  Landscape lighting also deters those who have bad intentions and like to take advantage of the dark.

At night your property can be showcased; beautiful, vibrant, and alive, with an aura of soft illumination surrounding it all.

Your home can be set apart from those other homes in your neighborhood. They stand dark and ominous looking at night, as your home stands out with a signature of its own. You will have a feeling of happiness as you come home at night, with a soft and gentle glow welcoming you in.

Your friends will feel secure and safe as they come visit you at night. They will have no problem find your house, as they will be welcomed by the soft radiance of landscape lighting.

Read more about some of the different landscaping lighting technique we could employ for you.

Down Lighting Techniques

Down lighting is one of my favorite way to light landscape.  The lighting effect comes from above, so it gives a very natural feeling when you are exposed to it.

Down lighting can be achieved by hanging light fixtures high up on your trees. The will cast a very soft light on your grounds, with very dramatic gentle shadows of the tree limbs reflected on the grounds.

Your trees will also irradiate this light from its leaves. The leaves reflecting this light will acquire a glow of their own, and defuse that soft gentle light throughout your night time outdoors.

Up Lighting Ideas

Up lighting is just so dramatic. We can use wide angle lighting fixtures that can illuminate large trees from the ground up.  These light fixtures bathe the entire tree in their light. The trees then will come alive and reflect this light back into your nightscape, creating beautiful indirect illumination throughout.

Path Lighting

If you are concerned about hazards or obstacles at night, path lighting is one of the best ways to handle these fears. We can use gentle soft pathway lighting fixtures, that can guide your steps at night.

It may be easy for your to navigate your property at night. But your visitors will feel intimidated and unsafe when they come to spend time with you at night. Install some pathway lighting, and you will not only make your property safer at night, but also it will more beautiful.

Highlighting Textures or Unique Features

If you have statues, outdoors art work, or unique textures on walls or trees, you will be well served employing the use of back lighting.

The technique of back lighting is achieved by having a light fixture turned away from the observer, and facing directly a specific thing you may want to highlight.
